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Who is Pamela

Who I am


I am a wife, mother and grandmother.  I am a designer, artist, organizational development expert.

I am a trainer, facilitator,  and coach.  Each is as important as the other depending on where I am and what I am doing.  


Why I do this


My life is best described as an image of a Venn Diagram - several circles that intersect in the center creating a point where everything comes together and makes perfect sense.  It is in the center where my energy resides and I am able to move from one circle to the other without missing purpose, focus, or a sense of why I do this.




I bring my life experiences to the center and help you find your why.  I do this through personal and business coaching, facilitating meetings, and coffee.  I share some of my experience in my writing. I will add more at will.  Watch for more.


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Get in touch // Tel: 651-253-1910 //
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